Attitudinal Healing trainers and presenters from around the world will share their wisdom and creative Attitudinal Healing programs in a series of online webinars offered on the third Tuesday of each month throughout 2018. Times will vary based on the location of the presenter. We hope you join us for the next session in this exciting series!
Trusting Inner Wisdom & Finding Your Own Answers
with Els Thissen and Emilia van Leent,
Stichting Centrum voor Attitudinal Healing, The Netherlands
Tuesday, 19 June 2018, 19:00 uur
There is no set fee to attend this online webinar. Instead, we request a donation on a sliding scale of $10.00 to $50.00. Your one-time donation will serve as your webinar registration and support Stichting Centrum in The Netherlands, as well as the development of future AHInternational online programs. This webinar will be recorded and available for replay after the live session.
Click Here To Register |
No one will be turned away for lack of funds. If you have questions, or are unable to register via credit card, please contact Trish Ellis at or call (877) 244-3392 ex. 702.
Finding your own answers is the most clever thing you can do, since you keep yourself company all the time and can be fully trusted.
For example, if you want to know if you like strawberries, it is wise to taste them yourself and decide if you do, rather than depending on what someone else tells you about how strawberries taste. In this same way you can “taste” your life right now and decide what is most suitable and most helpful for you at this time.
It is okay to trust yourself completely, and, if needs be, to choose again.
Els Thissen (right) began her career as a police officer, then graduated from law school and studied at an academy of art. Ever since an early age she asked herself, “How can I be happy?”
None of her studies could satisfy her in this regard until she read “A Course In Miracles” and was introduced to Attitudinal Healing — both provided her with the answers she was looking for.
For more than 20 years Els has been giving trainings and workshops on ACIM, Attitudinal Healing, and family-constellations, both nationally and internationally.
Emilia van Leent (left) started her career as a teacher, then moved on to psychiatric nursing, which she has now practiced for nearly 30 years. Both ACIM and Attitudinal Healing were a life-saver for her and she uses the profound truth of both in the treatment she offers her clients.
For Emilia, the Attitudinal Healing Principle “We can choose and direct ourselves to be peaceful inside regardless of what is happening outside” gained in depth and became even more helpful when she added: “…regardless of what is happening outside or inside.”