Jerry Jampolsky – gedicht

Jerry Jampolsky & Emilia van Leent

Onderstaande mail kreeg ik op 12 juni 2018 van Jerry Jampolsky. Graag wil ik zijn bericht met je delen.
Els Thissen

Hello family and friends,

Jerry Jampolsky, here, writing with boundless love and gratitude for our connection in life and in spirit. 

I was guided to share a poem of mine with you, and would like to tell you a bit about it before you take a moment to listen to the recording attached in this email.

I wrote this piece, entitled “Jesus, At Last I Have Found You” in 1976, one year after I was introduced to A Course in Miracles and turned away from my Atheist belief-system.

Having been raised Jewish, the name Jesus was not a part of my vocabulary, and it was not without effort that I was able to eventually accept Jesus in my life. I have since done so, and am happy to share with you the poem I was guided to write in the midst of that spiritual transition.

As you may or may not know, I am legally blind in both eyes, and am no longer able to read from a page. I am, however, a firm believer in not being limited by my blindness, so what you will hear in the attached recording is my voice, reading one of the poems that is closest to my heart.

You may wonder how I could read this to you, without my vision. I was blessed to have my wife, Diane Cirincione, read me one line at a time, which I would then repeat into the microphone.

The studio we have been recording with (Loose Arrow Labs) is in El Cerrito, CA. The owner and engineer is Stu Lucero, who I was referred to by my life-long friend Trish Ellis when I needed a caregiver. Stu has become an intimate member of our family, and is now one of our closest friends.

As our sound engineer, Stu was able to splice the recorded audio and make the reading flow for the listener. As a result, it can be heard as though I am there by your side, reading to you personally.

This means the world to me. To be able to share my words, my conversation with Jesus, in my own voice at the fresh young age of 93, is incredibly special to me. I hope that you will enjoy listening.

With all my love, eternal peace, quietness and gentleness,



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