Principles & Guidelines English

The Twelve Principles of Attitudinal Healing


  1. The Essence Of Our Being Is Love
  2. Health Is Inner Peace, Healing Is Letting Go Of Fear
  3. Giving And Receiving Are The Same
  4. We Can Let Go Of The Past And Of The Future
  5. Now Is The Only Time There Is And Each Instant Is For Giving
  6. We Can Learn To Love Ourselves And Others By Forgiving Rather Than Judging
  7. We Can Become Love Finders Rather Than Fault-Finders
  8. We Can Choose And Direct Ourselves To Be Peaceful Inside Regardless Of What Is Happening Outside
  9. We Are Students And Teachers To Each Other
  10. We Can Focus On The Whole Of Life Rather Than The Fragments
  11. Since Love Is Eternal, Death Need Not Be Viewed As Fearful
  12. We Can Always Perceive Others As Either Loving Or Fearful And Giving A Call Of Help For Love


The Guidelines for Groups


Center groups exist to be safe places where people can learn to use Attitudinal Healing. The following guidelines have been developed to assure that a safe place is provided.

  1. The intention of the group is to use the Principles of Attitudinal Healing as tools for learning and personal transformation.
  2. In the groups, we recognize that love is listening, and we agree to listen with an open heart, to give mutual support and to practice non-judgmental listening and sharing.
  3. We are here to heal ourselves. We are not here to give advice or to change anyone’s beliefs or behavior. Being accepted as we are makes it easier for us to accept others.
  4. We share from our own experience. By risking and exposing our own emotional state, we find common experience that allows for joining.
  5. We respect ourselves and each other as unique; we recognize that each person’s process is important, not our judgment of it.
  6. We support each other’s inner guidance and assist one another in finding our own best answers.
  7. The roles of student and teacher are interchangeable. They fluctuate from one to the other regardless of age or experience.
  8. We practice being present with others, seeing each person as whole; and not defining them by their appearance, mood, behavior or circumstance.
  9. We agree to keep in mind that we always have a choice between peace and conflict, between love and fear.
  10. We recognize the confidentiality of what we share in group, recognizing this is important for maintaining the group as a place of safety and trust.

See also Attitudinal Healing International
