Attitudinal Healing trainers and presenters from around the world will share their wisdom and creative Attitudinal Healing programs in a series of online webinars offered on the third Tuesday of each month throughout 2018. Times will vary based on the location of the presenter. We hope you join us for the next session in this exciting series!
New Facilitators Training Program
with Juan Manuel Aldape Castillo and Argelia Carrillo Flores,
Directors of CECURA Monterrery
Tuesday, 15 May 2018, 18:00 Amsterdam time
There is no set fee to attend this online webinar. Instead, we request a donation on a sliding scale of $10.00 to $50.00. Your one-time donation will serve as your webinar registration and support CECURA Monterrey, as well as the development of future AHInternational online programs. This webinar will be recorded and available for replay after the live session.
Click Here To Register
No one will be turned away for lack of funds. If you have questions, or are unable to register via credit card, please contact Trish Ellis at or call (877) 244-3392 ex. 702.
In this webinar, Juan Manuel Aldape Castillo and Angelia Carrillo Flores from CECURA Monterrey will share their New Facilitators Training Program.
This webinar will be presented in both English and Spanish. There will be time for questions and answers at the end of the presentation.
The Webinar will deliver the following objectives:
1) The importance and usefulness of New Facilitators training
2) The training program’s objectives
3) The scope of the training:
— A Deeper knowledge of the Principles of Attitudinal Healing and living according to them
— The healing process
— The structure of the Circle Group reunion and the Roles of the Facilitators
— Facilitation Methodology
4) Achievements of the training program

He worked as a Consultant in Human Processes from 2006 to 2014, providing services to different businesses and companies. He has worked for over 30 years in Monterrey, Mexico according his profession; his certification includes Mechanical Electrical Engineer by ITESM, with subsequent studies at IPADE, Stanford University USA, and AOTS in Japan.
Both Juan Manuel and Argelia have been dedicated to accompanying and supporting the development and growth of people since 2005, and have served as Directors of CECURA Monterrey since 2007.