Archive for International webinar series

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In juni 2018 gaven Emilia van Leent en Els Thissen
een Internationaal Webinar met als titel

Trusting Inner Wisdom & Finding Your Own Answers

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Attitudinal Healing Around the World

Attitudinal Healing International

Attitudinal Healing Around the World

2018 featured AHI Global Webinars broadcast from Centers for Attitudinal Healing in Pakistan, Mexico,Dominican Republic, Cameroon, The Netherlands, France, Costa Rica, Australia, and the United States

This year AHI launched an exciting new webinar series featuring inspiring and dynamic speakers from the Attitudinal Healing International community. Each month different speakers offered online presentations on relevant and evocative topics including:

Attitudinal Healing and Addiction Treatment, Healing Trauma in ChildrenThe Scientific Basis of Attitudinal HealingTrusting Inner WisdomConflict ResolutionOvercoming Loss and The Eternal Quest for Happiness.

NOV 20 – Change Your Mind, Change Your World
DEC 18 – Healing Chronic Pain, Stress, Anxiety and Depression

You may use this link to register for upcoming and previous webinars.



Attitudinal Healing International Webinar Series 2018

Attitudinal Healing trainers and presenters from around the world will share their wisdom and creative Attitudinal Healing programs in a series of online webinars offered on the third Tuesday of each month throughout 2018. Times will vary based on the location of the presenter. We hope you join us for the next session in this exciting series!

Supporting Children In Mourning
with Carlos Aguirre, M.D. and Lucero Aguirre
of CECURA Guadalajara

Tuesday, 17 July 2018, 18:00 Nederlandse tijd

There is no set fee to attend this online webinar. Instead, we request a donation on a sliding scale of $10.00 to $50.00. Your one-time donation will serve as your webinar registration and support CECURA Guadalajara, as well as the development of future AHInternational online programs. This webinar will be recorded and available for replay after the live session.

Space is limited – please register before Tuesday, 10 July 2018.

Click Here To Register

No one will be turned away for lack of funds. If you have questions, or are unable to register via credit card, please contact Trish Ellis at or call (877) 244-3392 ex. 702.


“Loss and Trauma in children is perhaps the most avoided, ignored, belittled, denied, misunderstood, and untreated cause of human suffering.”

The first thing we learned, and maybe the most important one, is that children find in the Attitudinal Healing Groups a safe place where they can share their stories, their feelings and most of all, their fears. When a child in this situation listens to other stories they feel comfortable to share their own; through the principles of Attitudinal Healing they learn that whatever feeling or memory they share, there will be no judgment nor criticism. This way in their minds they all become one. (The children that belonged to the first group in 1994 are all adults and successful in their lives, and they all remain united in a kind of brotherhood.)

Carlos Aguirre, M.D. is a psychiatrist with a Masters degree in Family Therapy and in Child Psychiatry.  He is a member of the Mexico Board of Psychiatry, and also holds a specialty in Holistic Medicine (Homeopathy).

He has dedicated his professional life to private practice and lecturing, and has been especially interested in training non-professional people with the intention to expand psychological and spiritual knowledge to those who are interested in their personal growth.

In 1994 Dr. Aguirre and his wife Lucero, together with professional and nonprofessional persons, founded the Attitudinal Healing Center of Guadalajara, Mexico (CECURA GUADALAJARA). Through the work of the Center, he has integrated the practical concepts of consciousness development into his private practice in Family and Marriage Therapy and facilitating self-help groups.

Lucero Aguirre is originally a teacher in bi-lingual education and has a Masters degree in Psychology. She is also certified in Thanatology (the scientific study of death). Professionally she has always been oriented to the innovation of teaching techniques and service to others.

In 1994 Lucero, together with her husband Dr. Carlos Aguirre, founded the Attitudinal Healing Center in Guadalajara, Mexico, where she has been dedicated to facilitating self-help groups especially with people in life crisis. Lucero personally accompanies individuals and families through traumatic and complicated mourning. She frequently gives lectures and workshops on the grieving processes, forgiveness and spiritual development. She has also expanded Attitudinal Healing into other institutions including hospitals, schools and prisons.


Attitudinal Healing International Webinar Series 2018

Attitudinal Healing trainers and presenters from around the world will share their wisdom and creative Attitudinal Healing programs in a series of online webinars offered on the third Tuesday of each month throughout 2018. Times will vary based on the location of the presenter. We hope you join us for the next session in this exciting series!

New Facilitators Training Program
with Juan Manuel Aldape Castillo and Argelia Carrillo Flores,
Directors of CECURA Monterrery

Tuesday, 15 May 2018, 18:00 Amsterdam time

There is no set fee to attend this online webinar. Instead, we request a donation on a sliding scale of $10.00 to $50.00. Your one-time donation will serve as your webinar registration and support CECURA Monterrey, as well as the development of future AHInternational online programs. This webinar will be recorded and available for replay after the live session.

Space is limited – please register before Tuesday, 08 May 2018.

Click Here To Register

No one will be turned away for lack of funds. If you have questions, or are unable to register via credit card, please contact Trish Ellis at or call (877) 244-3392 ex. 702.


In this webinar, Juan Manuel Aldape Castillo and Angelia Carrillo Flores from CECURA Monterrey will share their New Facilitators Training Program.

This webinar will be presented in both English and Spanish. There will be time for questions and answers at the end of the presentation.

The Webinar will deliver the following objectives:

1) The importance and usefulness of New Facilitators training
2) The training program’s objectives
3) The scope of the training:
— A Deeper knowledge of the Principles of Attitudinal Healing and living according to them
— The healing process
— The structure of the Circle Group reunion and the Roles of the Facilitators
— Facilitation Methodology
4) Achievements of the training program

Juan Manuel Aldape Castillo is certified by the Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and Coaching Institute of California. He has professionally studied NLP, Human Development, and Group Facilitation for learning experience.

He worked as a Consultant in Human Processes from 2006 to 2014, providing services to different businesses and companies. He has worked for over 30 years in Monterrey, Mexico according his profession; his certification includes Mechanical Electrical Engineer by ITESM, with subsequent studies at IPADE, Stanford University USA, and AOTS in Japan.

Argelia Carrillo Flores studied Sociology at the Universities of Dayton and Boston University. She is a certified teacher in the English language and, after dedicating 30 years to teaching, she has recently expanded her studies in the areas of Human Development, NLP, Emotional Intelligence, and Enneagram.

Both Juan Manuel and Argelia have been dedicated to accompanying and supporting the development and growth of people since 2005, and have served as Directors of CECURA Monterrey since 2007.


Attitudinal Healing International Webinar series 2018

Attitudinal Healing trainers and presenters from around the world will share their wisdom and creative Attitudinal Healing programs in a series of online webinars offered on the third Tuesday of each month throughout 2018. Times will vary based on the location of the presenter. We hope you join us for the next session in this exciting series!

The Eternal Quest For Happiness
with Aeeshah and Kokomon Clottey, Co-Founders of
Attitudinal Healing Connection Oakland

Tuesday, 20 March 2018, 19:00-21:00 uur Nederlandse tijd

There is no set fee to attend this online webinar. Instead, we request a donation on a sliding scale of $10.00 to $50.00. Your one-time donation will serve as your webinar registration and support Attitudinal Healing Connection Oakland, as well as the development of future AHInternational online programs. This webinar will be recorded and available for replay after the live session.

Space is limited – please register before Tuesday, 06 March 2018.

Click Here To Register

No one will be turned away for lack of funds. If you have questions, or are unable to register via credit card, please contact Trish Ellis at or call (877) 244-3392 ex. 702.

We humans are like a cat looking for its tail, going around and around in circles hoping to find what it already has. The key to happiness is rooted in this wisdom: “The essence of our being is love.” If we look at life through the lens of love, we inevitably find happiness. Love connects us with one another in ways that we could never imagine, especially with the Earth community, with all of life — four-legged, two-legged, winged, and fish in the ocean.As human beings, our task is to learn that happiness is our inheritance and our original blessing. We are what we’re seeking!This is a workshop on self-introspection and self-help in which we share personal stories and challenge participants to accept the truth that we are love. This concept of love is a natural law revealing that Mother/Father God is love, and that Spirit is in the center of everything. The practice of awareness is an active process requiring us to be centered in hope. Hope inspires and activates forgiveness as a key to happiness. Happiness is love in action. When we understand the importance of happiness and incorporate happiness in our daily lives, this opens a path to inner peace.
Aeeshah Clottey is an author, motivational speaker, spiritual activist and co-founder of the Attitudinal Healing Connection, Inc., a nonprofit organization with the mission of eliminating violence and fear by supporting creative and educational programs that transform the spirit and build peaceful and loving communities for all humanity. She is internationally recognized for her work in healing racism. Aeeshah has thirty years work experience in the field of Attitudinal Healing.

In addition to co-authoring two books, Aeeshah and her partner Kokomon Clottey have created and implemented innovative Attitudinal Healing workshops and experientials. Their book “Beyond Fear: Twelve Spiritual Keys to Racial Healing” is being utilized in many colleges and universities to assist students in deepening their understanding of diversity.

Kokomon Clottey holds a Master Degree in Business Management with an emphasis in international business, and is the co-founder of the Attitudinal Healing Connection, Inc., where he currently serves as the Director of Operations. Kokomon is the co-author of “Eternal Quest for Happiness: A Practical Guide to Fulfilling Dreams” and “Beyond Fear: Twelve Spiritual Keys to Racial Healing.” Kokomon is from Ghana, West Africa and has captured the richness of his culture and the essence of mindful drumming as a healing modality in his book “Mindful Drumming: Unleashing the Human Spirit and Building Community.”



Attitudinal Healing International Webinar series 2018

Attitudinal Healing trainers and presenters from around the world will share their wisdom and creative Attitudinal Healing programs in a series of online webinars offered on the third Tuesday of each month throughout 2018. Times will vary based on the location of the presenter. Watch your email for a list of future webinars, and in the meantime, we hope to see you soon!

Conflict Addiction

with Dr. Zaidy Di Franco of CECURA Santo Domingo
Tuesday, 20 February 2018, 16:00-18:00 uur (Nederlandse tijd)

There is no set fee to attend this online webinar. Instead, we request a donation on a sliding scale of $10.00 to $50.00. Your one-time donation will serve as your webinar registration and support CECURA Santo Domingo, as well as the development of future AHInternational online programs. This webinar will be recorded and available for replay after the live session.

Space is limited – please register before Tuesday, 06 February 2018.

No one will be turned away for lack of funds. If you have questions, or are unable to register via credit card, please contact Trish Ellis at or call (877) 244-3392 ex. 702.


The purpose of this webinar is to identify the origin of internal conflict; to explore its goals, its physical symptoms and its emotional expressions; and to apply its remedy which is Forgiveness.

Conflict is defined here as any thought that separates you from someone else; any thought which seeks to harm in any way and to any degree.

Forgiveness is the choice to free ourselves from the painful past; it is the decision to stop suffering, to heal the soul and the heart. Forgiveness changes our perception of the world, of others and oneself. Forgiveness is the path that leads to peace.

This webinar will be presented in both English and Spanish.

Dr. Zaidy De Franco is a doctor of dentistry and the Executive Director of CECURA Santo Domingo in the Dominican Republic. As a Speaker, Therapist and Soul´s companion, Zaidy addresses Forgiveness and Attitudinal Healing as a path of self-realization. She teaches and demonstrates a new mindset that implies a profound change in our perception of the world, others and ourselves, with the aim of living our lives in fullness and inner peace.

Zaidy Di Franco enjoys and loves life by becoming a living example that it is possible to “love and forgive others, through learning to love and forgive ourselves.”

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