Attitudinal Healing trainers and presenters from around the world will share their wisdom and creative Attitudinal Healing programs in a series of online webinars offered on the third Tuesday of each month throughout 2018. Times will vary based on the location of the presenter. We hope you join us for the next session in this exciting series!
Supporting Children In Mourning
with Carlos Aguirre, M.D. and Lucero Aguirre
of CECURA Guadalajara
Tuesday, 17 July 2018, 18:00 Nederlandse tijd
There is no set fee to attend this online webinar. Instead, we request a donation on a sliding scale of $10.00 to $50.00. Your one-time donation will serve as your webinar registration and support CECURA Guadalajara, as well as the development of future AHInternational online programs. This webinar will be recorded and available for replay after the live session.
Space is limited – please register before Tuesday, 10 July 2018.
Click Here To Register
No one will be turned away for lack of funds. If you have questions, or are unable to register via credit card, please contact Trish Ellis at or call (877) 244-3392 ex. 702.
“Loss and Trauma in children is perhaps the most avoided, ignored, belittled, denied, misunderstood, and untreated cause of human suffering.”
The first thing we learned, and maybe the most important one, is that children find in the Attitudinal Healing Groups a safe place where they can share their stories, their feelings and most of all, their fears. When a child in this situation listens to other stories they feel comfortable to share their own; through the principles of Attitudinal Healing they learn that whatever feeling or memory they share, there will be no judgment nor criticism. This way in their minds they all become one. (The children that belonged to the first group in 1994 are all adults and successful in their lives, and they all remain united in a kind of brotherhood.)
Carlos Aguirre, M.D. is a psychiatrist with a Masters degree in Family Therapy and in Child Psychiatry. He is a member of the Mexico Board of Psychiatry, and also holds a specialty in Holistic Medicine (Homeopathy).
He has dedicated his professional life to private practice and lecturing, and has been especially interested in training non-professional people with the intention to expand psychological and spiritual knowledge to those who are interested in their personal growth.
In 1994 Dr. Aguirre and his wife Lucero, together with professional and nonprofessional persons, founded the Attitudinal Healing Center of Guadalajara, Mexico (CECURA GUADALAJARA). Through the work of the Center, he has integrated the practical concepts of consciousness development into his private practice in Family and Marriage Therapy and facilitating self-help groups.
Lucero Aguirre is originally a teacher in bi-lingual education and has a Masters degree in Psychology. She is also certified in Thanatology (the scientific study of death). Professionally she has always been oriented to the innovation of teaching techniques and service to others.
In 1994 Lucero, together with her husband Dr. Carlos Aguirre, founded the Attitudinal Healing Center in Guadalajara, Mexico, where she has been dedicated to facilitating self-help groups especially with people in life crisis. Lucero personally accompanies individuals and families through traumatic and complicated mourning. She frequently gives lectures and workshops on the grieving processes, forgiveness and spiritual development. She has also expanded Attitudinal Healing into other institutions including hospitals, schools and prisons.